Sleepy Hollow is pleased to be among the leaders in New York State in providing full public online access to the minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees and other major Village Advisory Boards.
We continue to do our best to ensure that this collection of meeting minutes is as complete as possible. We recognize that there are gaps and would appreciate any contributions from residents who attended these meetings and might have copies of the minutes. To contribute call the Village Clerk at (914) 366-5106. Gaps will be filled as fast as we are able to collect the material in a verified format.
There will always be a delay in access to the official minutes of current meetings, as they cannot be posted until formally approved by the governing board that held the meeting.
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes & Resolutions
Organizational Minutes
Planning Board Minutes & Resolutions
Zoning Board Minutes & Resolutions
Fire Prevention Board Minutes
Tree Commission Minutes
Waterfront Advisory Committee Minutes
Architectural Review Board Minutes